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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization Typically, all website owners would love to be on the first page of Google search results. In the early days of websites, that was easy. Today with the literally billions of websites, it's very complicated and time-consuming to get to first page search results. There are four basic ways to market your website on the Internet:

  • Search Engine Optimization: In the long run, this is the most effective way and has long-lasting results. Your expectation, however, should be that it can take several months of work on our part (and a little work on your part) to start seeing results. The longer we stick with it, the better and longer the results will last.
  • Google Ad Words (Pay-Per-Click): This can get expensive, but the results are almost immediate. Basically, you are bidding (auction-style) for the keyword phrases you wish to be found by. Simply put, the higher you bid against your competitors for your keyword phrases, the higher you will appear in the search results. This can be budgeted to spread your money daily, weekly, monthly, but when your budget runs out, your listing disappears. I typically only recommend this for short promotional campaigns that will give you high returns on your investment.
  • Directory Marketing: This is cost-effective and relatively inexpensive, plus we can guarantee first page search results, or you pay nothing. To learn more, click here.
  • Social Media: This has become a growing field and can help drive traffic to your website. The decision you need to make is do you want to spend your time on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Blogging or stay focused on running and growing your business? Not everyone wants to devote their time to this and prefer outsourcing this to professionals that manage all their social media campaigns for them.
  • Regardless of which approach, or combination of approaches you wish to take, Digital Pursuit can guide you and implement your Internet Marketing Campaign, and start to make your website a new client acquisition and revenue source for your business. Contact Us Today!

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