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Mobile Phone Websites & Applications

Mobile Phone The development of a mobile phone-friendly website is no longer an option. Google has stated that over 50% of Google searches are coming from smart phones. This makes it imperative for your business to have your website viewable, readable, and navigable from a tiny smart phone screen. Those that resist or delay this implementation are in peril of losing business to their web-savvy competitors that understand this growing market. There are two basic approaches to developing a smart phone friendly website:

  • Responsive Website: Now there's a choice. Rather than being forced to start from scratch, we are offering you an option of converting your existing website into a "Responsive" website. Traditionally, web development companies would require a totally new website. Many websites are visually beautiful and don't need a re-design, only to be re-coded to make them "Responsive". The coding is done in a specific way to allow ALL devices (computers, tablets, and smart phones) to view, read, navigate the same website. The coding enables the shifting of all the visual components of your website to accommodate the screen size of the visitor. However, sometimes it just makes more sense to start from scratch with a fresh new modern look for your website.
    Now you have a choice. We can convert either a standard website or a Word Press website to "Reponsive" at a substantial savings over creating a totally new website. Having your website Mobile Friendly is no longer an option because Google will penalize your search engine ranking and give preference to your competitors that are Mobile Friendly.
  • Companion Website: This is a separate website designed specifically to have the look, feel, and function similar to a mobile app. This is ideal for those that want different and specific content on their Mobile Friendly  website. The Companion website is also a substantial savings over a Responsive Conversion or starting from scratch to develop a whole new Responsive website.
  • Many people "think" they want a mobile app for their businesses. In some cases this is appropriate and advantageous. However, in most cases a Mobile website, possibly with an web based application developed for it, is all they really need. The Pros and Cons:
    Pros of Mobile Web-Based Application:

  • Much of the functionality of a full-blown mobile app can be incorporated into a mobile web-based application
  • The cost is significantly less.
  • Development time is significantly less.
  • Does not require approval process by Apple or Google and can be made available immediately when ready.
  • Updates are automatic and do not require re-downloading.
  • Cons of Mobile Web Based Application:

  • Cannot be sold in the App Store (Apple) or Play Store (Android). It's accessible on the web.
  • Not every feature available in Apps are available as a mobile application.

  • To learn more about full blown mobile app development, click here.

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